Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Hare Ribbin' (1944) Part 1/2


September 17th to September 18th I will be talking about Hare Ribbin' (1944). My favorite classic cartoon that has the best animated frames, art has ever conceived.

It's all thanks to this dog.


I will be mostly taking advantage on the frame bits of this cartoon, cuz all of them mostly are either meme-worthy or perfect.

Let's start.

I have to really study animating like this, the lip syncing is lively in these sets of pictures. 

This is by far the most memorable scene in the cartoon. The smearing in the 4th picture is something I always wanted to learn and this really helps.


"MEEEEEE-ooooooow." is a hilarious line from this dude. And here is some of the frames. See how he stretches his mouth and you can see half of his eyes in the 4th one. It's really fun to look at. 

When Bugs begins to interact with the dog, he stretches his ears and it's extremely cartoony as well as the part where Bugs stretches his tongue.

Pretty much alot of characters that deal with Bugs Bunny really think to themselves. This dog by far has the best facial expressions when it comes to it. 

How come when Bugs Bunny memes become a thing, they rarely use Clampett's frames of him, I mean there's the Big Chungus and "No" meme but that's it really. The 3 pictures I took have to be at least mentioned.

Usually cartoon characters where they dash for revenge they have this spiral, spinning animation. 

Love the background. And nice detail with the shadowing of the water.

Next time I'm willing to talk about the rest of the animated bits to this amazing cartoon. But you'll have to wait tomorrow or go to the next page to view it. 

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