Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Warner Bros. Seven Arts Was Interesting

 It is the 1960s. Looney Tunes at the start of this decade was still going strong.

New things were battering up the franchise like with The Bugs Bunny Show since at that time TV was starting to become an impact.

But then after Warner Bros. shutted down, things were not looking too good with a few of our beloved characters.

Yeah, in my opinion, the 60s was not a great decade in my opinion, the music was kinda campy, everyone didn't give too much of a crap about what they were seeing, and it was just a peaceful if not outstanding approach. The 70s to me felt more interesting.

The year was 1965, Looney Tunes has raised back from the dead after it's final cartoon that was supposed to be made False Hare, gave us the Daffy and Speedy cartoons which started off fairly watchable until they were just obnoxious.

And gave us 11 Coyote and Roadrunner cartoons directed by Rudy Larriva that had some creative potential but were not that appealing.

But things started to get more interesting. Depatie-Freleng can walk an inch so that Seven Arts can try more harder.

In my personal opinion, Seven Arts became less drawn to Daffy and Speedy cartoons and made their own characters for more variety and personality.

Cool Cat, Merlin The Magic Mouse, Bunny and Claude were all interesting and likeable characters, even if they never got the longing impact they deserve.

Now I know alot of people really hate the animation in these shorts but I don't mind it. It's not really good, but I would watch and look at an animated frame from a Seven Arts cartoon anyday over something like this.

At least they didn't repeat animated scenes like in Paddy The Pelican. 

But there was a reason why Seven Arts would've been an impact. 

They created these concepts that will never see the day of light. I have a few of them I'm willing to show you.

The first one is Keystone Kops.

Wow! A Keystone Kops cartoon?! I would've loved it! I'm a fan of the silent keystone kop films and this would've been interesting if it was made.

Innocents Abroad is next and just by looking at it. It looks cool. Could've been incredible. One of the best Merlin The Magic Mouse cartoons.

Sure, they might not have been highly watchable than the 30s-50s Looney Tunes Shorts, but for me loving a film with no deep story, just fun, adventurous and comedic characters, I would've liked something like this.

Some of these are cute, but some are kinda basic and not really that special like with these two, Christmas Story and Lost Atlantis feels like some 70s animation show, it's not bad but I wouldn't think it's entertaining.

And just for these concepts alone, I actually think the creators and directors were trying their best to plan these and come up with them with their minds.

My favorite one is probably Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court. This one would've been hilarious.

I loved this idea so much, last year I was planning to make my own cartoon of it. 

This poster is kinda outdated, I don't really like how the yankee looks nowadays.

I also like Jeanie The Genius. I read the description and she would've been a well-liked character like with Cool Cat and Merlin.

These were really unusual. I don't think it would fit Looney Tunes too much but for an animation studio that didn't have alot of passion since the low-budget and ideas became a problem, the world couldn't care about talent anymore, these directors were toast and the final cartoon was a complete failure.

Now some of these characters I founded were characters that were in the Seven Arts Cartoons. I kinda wished they weren't with the spotlight characters but hey some of them worked.

Lo The Poor Indian was in Hocus Pocus Powwow (1968)

The Feudin' Mountain Boys were in Feud With A Dude (1968)

Spooky was in Big Game Haunt (1968)

Flying Circus (1968)

Chimp And Zee (1968)

And Quick Brown Fox and Jack Rabbit in Rabbit Stew And Rabbits Two! (1969) however the rabbit was named Rapid Rabbit in the final product which I found to be the better name.

Hopefully you found these concepts either atrocious or really unique. 
I would say if these short films would actually be made, Seven Arts would've been the most popular animated series throughout the late 60s to 70s. 

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On The Town!

  Loved this movie!  Decided to make fanart of the three main characters.  I admire this shot ❤️