The comics back in the 1890s-1910s were really well-drawn and memorable to me. They were not only really funny to look at but they had alot of effort. More effort than what you mostly see in comics today.
This is one from the series Funny Side Of The World. It's one of my favorites because of how massive the illustrations look and sometimes they can go over the top with their drawings at times, it's impeccable.
I love this one alot.
I mostly researched these on GoComics.
It's in the Origins of the Sunday Comics category.
It'll give you these astounding night backgrounds and lively illustrations and clever writing.
The fact that these were made around 120 years ago is insane to me.
This is a Little Nemo comic. I adore these. These were done by the legend himself, Winsor McCay. He's magnificent. If you didn't know he also made Gertie The Dinosaur (1914) which is one of the most iconic animated films ever made in the early 20th century.
This kinda reminds me of Calvin and Hobbes for the kid's day-dreaming like nature in this one.
This one is utterly creative.
You might recognize these guys.
This vehicle was definitely bizarre looking even back in 1902.
The description says this is the first Funny Side Of The World comic and talk about an incredible start. Very well drawn and funny pictures.
I don't know who did these, but they are by far the best illustrations I seen so far with these Sunday comics. They feel inspired.
Tomorrow is December, the final month of 2024. This month I will definitely be active making more posts and since Christmas is coming, I will be sharing my gifts!
Can't wait to see you all next month!
November can go fly a rocket to the nearest hell-hole.